Sunday, July 14, 2013

Napoleonic British Miniatures

Recently off the painting table are two British 9lber's and three leaders.  Leaders and cannon are AB Miniature and Crewman are Battlehonors minis.  Both lines are 18mm.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Furlough Friday Hijinx

So today was my first furlough day of the Sequestration brought to us by an inept and very dull Congress.  The Executive Branch doesn't fare much better either.  Bugger 'em all.

Anyway, I managed to paint and base a bunch of minis, did housekeeping chores, and set myself on fire.  Yes, I set myself on fire.  Nothing serious but it was momentarily startling.  It was a combination of wearing an unbuttoned shirt (sexy, I know), cooking pasta, and reaching above the stove for the coffee maker.  And viola! My shirt was on fire.  Once that registered, I hopped around and managed not to knock anything over and was in the process of taking my shirt off (still sexy, no?) when the fire was out.

I think I'll stick to painting miniatures on my future Furlough Fridays.

Not sure if fire drill  or idiot cooking.

British 9th Regiment of Foot

And next off the painting table is the British 9th Regiment of Foot, 1809 Peninsular.   Figures are AB Miniatures and flags by Flag Dude.

British 5th Regiment of Foot

I've got several British Pennisular Regiments on the painting table.  The 5th Foot is all finished up.  Figures are AB Miniatures 18mm.  Flags from Flag Dude.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Aircraft for the Collection

Photos of some recently completed Zvezda 1/144th scale aircraft

And some of not-so-recently completed Horsa Gliders (15mm from AIM)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Cornfield at Sharpsburg

Our gaming group is in the middle of playing the fight around the cornfield during the Sharpsburg ACW battle.  Miniatures are 15mm and rules are "Regimental Fire and Fury."

Union advancing through the cornfield from left, Confederates advancing from the right

Big clash at the foot of the hill beyond the cornfield

Confederates are holding but more Union troops arrive to bolster their line

Back and forth close quarters fight continues.  The Rebel regiments are getting thinner.

The worn and spent rebel line along the road collapses and the worn Union regiments occupy their positions.  Rebel still hold the rest of their line.  The mass of troops a the right of the photo are Hood's troops starting their move to relieve the  spent Rebel regiments.  More Union regiments are also moving up.
And that's where we left the battle for the day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Band of Vikings Bent on Some Mayhem

These are the Eureka Miniatures Beowulf and Retinue 28mm Figures.  Eureka makes two sets, one with the figures in action and the other with the figures at rest.  These are the resting set.  Excellent figures.