Showing posts with label Medieval. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medieval. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2019

Here's an Exciting Read. . .

Lithuania Ascending

A Pagan Empire Within East-Central Europe, 1295-1345

by S. C. Rowell, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life & Thought

I needed a little more background on my Teutonic and Lithuanian armies so I dove into this book.  The period focused on is the rise of the Lithuanian Duchy and its growth under the grand dukes that lay the groundwork for the combination of Lithuania and Poland in the 15th Century.  During this time, the Lithuanian Grand Dukes held their own and managed to expand against the Poles, Rus, Teutons, Swedes, Danes, Rigans, Hungarians, Bohemians, and Tatars.  The Lithuanian Grand Dukes, particularly Gediminus played off Imperial vs. Rus interests, Catholic vs. Othodoxy, and grand duke against grand duke to further his own interests and maintain their pagan center of power in Lithuania.

Well written as various topics are explored but of course the source material is limited and focusing on a 50-year period, the information gets a bit repetitive at times but the author does highlight between what is written (be it corroborated or not) and what later historians assumed or interpreted.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Few Items Completed . . .

First up is a sample of Artizan 28's of US WWII Infantry in greatcoats.  Two squads worth of infantry plus MG and Bazooka support are ready to go.

Next are a couple of units I finished for my growing 15mm Medieval Lithuanians.  Medium cavalry and the Commander-in-Chief stand.  Minis are Essex.