Showing posts with label ACW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACW. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Battle for Atlanta, Fire and Fury Style

A few of us got together to refight the Battle for Atlanta using Fire and Fury miniature wargaming rules.  Battle finds the Yankees thick in their trench lines facing the (off-table) Confeds in their trench lines.

When suddenly out the trees on the Yankee flank a horde of yellin' rebels appear, a la Chancellorsville.  "Remember Hood's Leg," they are yelling, or something like that.

Yankee rearguards falls back and the Yankee left collapses.  Gen. Blair is pulling Yankees out of the trenches to stop the flanking rebels, but this just entices another corps of rebels to come at the trench line.  It is murder first of the Rebels but then they get through the Yankee line and start their own round of murder.

The Yankees are hard pressed and begin falling back though the Confeds are already in their rear.

A last desperate attempt by the Yankees will be made to secure their line of communication or else it will be a Rebel victory.  We still need to play a few more turns.

Roxanne Patton prepared the terrain using blue foam and dremel router.  Needs so finishing touches and then I suspect it will be convention bound.    Spaghetti dinner courtesy Scott Bishop.  Big bottle of red wine by Roxanne.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Cornfield at Sharpsburg

Our gaming group is in the middle of playing the fight around the cornfield during the Sharpsburg ACW battle.  Miniatures are 15mm and rules are "Regimental Fire and Fury."

Union advancing through the cornfield from left, Confederates advancing from the right

Big clash at the foot of the hill beyond the cornfield

Confederates are holding but more Union troops arrive to bolster their line

Back and forth close quarters fight continues.  The Rebel regiments are getting thinner.

The worn and spent rebel line along the road collapses and the worn Union regiments occupy their positions.  Rebel still hold the rest of their line.  The mass of troops a the right of the photo are Hood's troops starting their move to relieve the  spent Rebel regiments.  More Union regiments are also moving up.
And that's where we left the battle for the day.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

10mm American Civil War Miniatures

Bob, you wanted to know about my 10mm ACW figs.  Here is sample picture.  Infantry is mounted 4 figures on a 3/4" square stand.  Figures are a mix of Perrin and AIM 10.  At 6-8 stands to regiment, I have several divisions, CSA and USA, Infnatry and Cav.  I have more unpainted.  Willing to loan, sell or trade.