Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Soviet Mechanized Brigade Circa 1944

Minis are 15mm Quality Castings, basing is for Command Decision (one stand=platoon/battery).

Bottom row is Brigade HQ and HQ level assets, next three rows up are each an infantry battalion.  Back row is the two-battalion tank regiment, mortar battalion and field artillery battalion.  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

28mm WWII Sovet Infantry

I recently completed some 28mm Soviet WWII Infantry from Plastic Soldier Company.  I don't like these plastic figures as much as metal figs.  While the sculpts are more to scale than most, the plastic rifles tend to break or bend, and there is not much "depth" to the sculpting . . . there are not cuts and folds in the sculpt for the brush to find and help bring out detail.  Also, as you can see from the side by side shot with a Westwind (?) metal figure, their size is larger than most metal figures.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

British Napoleonic Heavy Dragoons
Minis are 15mm Old Glory