The ship's damage control party was armed as they advanced into the caustic fog left by the invading alien creatures . . .
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Book Recommendations on WWII Pacific Campaign
H.P. Willmott's "Empires in Balance" (1982) is an excellent book, easy to read and includes detail of both the early war Allied and Japanese strategies and operational moves. It focuses on pre-war Japan, conflict with China, political strategies vis a vis the West, and a quick study on resources of the Japanese Empire. It begins military operation in detail starting from the 7/8 December Japanese strikes, campaigns in Indonesia and Philippines and continues to April 1942. Pretty much a season of disaster for Allied forces.
BattleBus 2020
Let's go kiddo's. Getting to School in the Zombie Apocalypse.
Here we are now going to the South side
I pick up my friends and we hope we won't die
Ride at night, ride through Heaven and Hell
and here are some in-progress. Bus is large and heavy (solid resin) so I worked on using a lazy susan thingy.
Base coat,
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Drive Carefully During the Zombie Apocalypse
More wrecked vehicles from Antenocitis Workshop.
Keep your eyes on the road and not the zombies strolling on the sidewalks . . .
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Rusty Burned Out Vehicles
Ready for the Zombie Apocalype. Minis are 28mm sized from Antenocitis Workshop. The rust was accomplished with weathering powders. Only paint used was black prime and blue on truck.
I did snap some pictures of the work in progress also. Took a picture after adding each layer of "rust." You can see the powder used in each photo.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Friday, December 18, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard Cavary
Here are a few squadrons of the Chasseurs a Cheval of the Imperial Guard. Nice christmas colors just in time for the holidays! These are AB figs.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Mech Walker Thingy
Another item painted up recently. This is a Mech/Walker of some sort. Actually was a toy rather than a wargaming mini but I guess all in all very little difference between the two designation. I filled in some open gaps, cut-off a trigger-shootey-mechanism but other than those two minor items, the rest was just painting. 28mm figure included in shots for size reference. This guy was too big for my macro lens so had to use 35/50mm lens!
"Tremors" Movie Worms
Painted up some worms from the "Tremors" movie. 28mm Size figure included in shot for size reference. Manufacturer of these resin models is unknown to me but they were pretty good sculpts. Poses include bursting through the surface, out of ground, and dead (not pictured).
Saturday, November 28, 2020
ACW Artillery & Crews
Finished some CSA and USA artillery and crew. the artillery is just sitting on the crew base so I can switch out 12lbr, 3", 6lbr, and Howitzer pieces. These are Sash and Saber 28mm figs, nice figs as usual.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Russian Dragoons
Next up are the Harkiv Dragoons. This unit was part of the 4th Cavalry Division backing up the Russian center at Borodino.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Russian Cuirassiers
Latest additions to the Napoleonic Russian Order of Battle.
Military Order Cuirassiers
Ekaterinoslav Cuirassiers
The two regiments were part of the 2nd Cuirassier Division backing up the Fleches at Borodino.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
French Chasseurs a Cheval
French 1st and 2nd Chasseur Regiments. Both regiments has scarlet regimental color, 2nd had green collars instead of scarlet. So I've either got two small regiments or they can be put together to form a larger 1st or 2nd Regiment. These are Battle Honor/OG15 figs. I haven't used to many of them in my collection as I feel the AB figs are nicer but the OG15 figs are generally more "dynamic" and good in their own right so I mix in a few OG15 units for the tabletop.
Friday, October 23, 2020
French Line with Artillery
Finished up some French Line troops and guns. This time with Battle Honor figs to get some more variety amongst all the Eureka figures. Here's a sample.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Russian Musketeers and Jaegers
Finished up some Russians with greatcoats. Jaegers up front (dark belts) and Musketeers in the back (white belts).
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
UK Commando and Italian Troops
Finished some UK Commando and Italian troops. I already have a bunch of British special forces, SAS/SBS types, and German Para and Brandenburger type troops. These will all be used for battles on Rhodes and Leros and other islands in the Aegean Sea. Not a lot written about the British Offensive and German counter-offensive but one good book is "Churchill's Folly" by Anthony Rogers.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
USA WWII Heavy Weapons
Worked on some USA machine gun and mortar troops. Figs are Battlehonors 25's. I sure could do with a game of FUBAR! the troops are ready to go.
Monday, August 17, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020
King's German Legion 2nd Light Battalion
Finished up the 2nd Light Battalion KGL. Pretty much the same as the 1st Light, though sources said they had darker uniforms so I did that. Not sure how well that shows in the photos. Sources also identified other minor uniform differences between the 1st and 2nd Light but as I'm using the same sculpts I didn't make those distinctions.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
King's German Legion 1st Light Battalion
Adding to the KGL, here's the 1st Light Battalion.
First pic is the "formed up" battalion and the second pic is the battalion on skirmish bases.